SSL Certificates are the Must-Haves when you have a website. What are they and why are they important for your customers’ websites? SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer, which is an encryption technology creating a secure connection between a user’s web browser and a web server.  

When a website has an SSL Certificate on its server, there is a padlock icon to the left of a website URL in the browser. Usually, the https appears in green as well. SSL Certificates offer your customers’ websites security, such as security for logins, security for credit card transactions, security for data transfers and personal information. What is great is that these certificates provide security to customers and encourage visitors to stay on a website for longer.  

SSL Certificates

So why is this important for your customers’ websites?  

Well, your customers are looking towards your industry experience and expertise as resellers and having the best Reseller partner in the domain and hosting industry is vital for that. TPP Wholesale has earned a strong reputation for providing top-notch services. Thus, it means that we are here to safeguard all websites as well as your customers’ data.  

SSL Certificates provide the following:  

  • Protection of your User Data: SSL protects all communication between a server and a browser, which means that any data between a client and service cannot be read by a third party and is encrypted.  
  • Additional protection against hackers: With the security of personal information, the SSL certificate focuses on the encryption of your data, making it harder for hackers to discover your information.  
  • Deeper Trust with Visitors: Trust and Security go hand in hand, and shoppers who don’t feel they can trust the website are likely not going to buy from that website. Thus, having an SSL Certificate is a seal of approval of security, but not just any certificate. 
  • Requires security identification: Cases of stolen identities and fraudulent purchases are lowered due to SSL Certificates because they verify and authenticate this with the user first. 
  • Highlights Risk: SSL Certificates are important because they notify you prior to a potential hack or threat to your website. Once you receive this notification, it is the perfect time to check the website data or change passwords immediately.  

Who Uses SSL Certificates?  

SSL certificates should ideally be used by everyone who has a website and thus, professionals from various industries use SSL certificates like IT professionals, web developers, marketing specialists, education professionals, banking professionals, consultants and more. They are open to all industries, but what these professionals have in common is the need to ensure that their clients’ and visitors’ information is safe whether it is bank account-related, medical-related, personal information or more.  

With the variety of SSL Certificates, TPP Wholesale helps narrow it down to the certificates that are the most widely recognized and trusted security marks on the internet.  

SSL Certificates

Why not explore more about SSL Certificates with TPP and discover their state-of-the-art encryption, strong browser compatibility and ultimately how it can be easily integrated for your customers?  

Contact our team today to learn more!  


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